



This sushi restaurant is much easier to locate as compare to the other two, as it has 2 shops facing not far from each other on the same street with large sign and entrance in dark gray color. Although this restaurant is only an 1 star, but its score of 27 is extremely high in the 2008 Zagat Tokyo Guide, even higher than the 3 stars like Koju (26), Jiro (24), Mizutani (25), L’Osier (26), etc. This sushi restaurant is relatively easy to make reservation due to its much larger seating capacity, though the two restaurants were packed when we arrived. 3 chefs plus 2 or 3 assistants are responsible for about 16 counter seats on our floor level. Our set dinner course was around ¥20,000 a person. I did see the old original chef came in for a brief moment checking on how things were going. The overall dinning experience and quality of seafood was very good, however, there are few points that will make us think twice on whether we should go back again. First is the portion of each sushi which my wife feels a bit too big. We are under the impression that an excellent sushi chef should first evaluate each customer’s body weight and adjust the portion of each sushi accordingly. On the contrary, we feel that Sushi Kanesaka did an excellent job. Second is that there isn’t much flavor in the sushi rice and takes a bit longer time to melt with raw fish in our mouths. Sushi Kanesaka also won our votes in these regards. Whether the previous voters on Zagat had different taste preferences, or never had visited other higher class sushi restaurants such as Sushi Kanesaka is unknown. It still remains as a mystery in my mind on why this restaurant had received such high ratings from general Japanese publics. This is also evident on 2 of the special sushi guide books that I had browsed through, in which they all mentioned that Kyubey is a very high regard sushi restaurant with history (founded in 1935). One of the possible explanations is that our chef was not the old original chef or higer ranked chef, but it still doesn’t explain the sushi rice. Incidentally, it received 1 star from Michelin.

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