目前分類:Paris 巴黎*** (10)

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rte de Suresnes F - 75016         [French Flag]

米其林  Luxury in the traditional style and pleasant restaurantExceptional cuisine, worth a special journey 

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9 Pl. des Vosges F, 75004        [French Flag]
 M1  St Paul

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18 Rue Troyon, 75017         [French Flag]

 M1  Charles de Gaulle – Étoile

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4 Rue Beethoven  75016 [French Flag]


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6, rue Balzac, Paris 75008   [French Flag]

George V

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84, rue de Varenne      [French Flag]

 M13 Varenne 

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8 av. Dutuit (carré Champs-Élysées) F - 75008        [French Flag]

 M1  Champs Elysées Clemenceau

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112  rue Fg St-Honoré F, 75008        [French Flag]

M9   Miromesnil

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228 Rue Rivoli, 75001        [French Flag]
 M1    Tuileries

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