Tabelog 4.02
This sushi restaurant is very easy to miss even with help from Google map. With only a tiny sign on the front, you will have to walk down to the basement to find it. There are only 10 counter seats and 3 private rooms with 2 head chefs serving all the customers. This sushi restaurant is highly recommended by a Japanese Sushi Guide, with heading: High quality with reasonable price. Well, we found out it is of rather exceptional quality but certainly not cheap. The final lunch bill came out ¥16,000 a person, however, it is worth every penny. Our chef was particularly talkative, but most importantly, you can feel that he is a person with attention to details. Every sushi and sashimi is delicately made and served. We are extremely happy that we have been to this restaurant and yes, we would come back if you have the chance.